Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Repeater WIFI

WIFI TP-LINK sebagai repeater

Konfigurasi TP-LINK Sebagai Repeater
Oleh Istanto Adi Nugroho

Buat penyedia jaringan hotspot terkadang memiliki berbagai macam kendala di lapangan yang berbeda-beda, kebanyakan masalah yang terjadi adalah melemahnya signal wi-fi akibat dari interferensi atau faktor keadaan lingkungan sekitar. Misalnya pepohonan yang tinggi dan rimbun atau rumah yang kelewat tinggi yang berakibat menghalangi kekuatan signal hotspot. Tidak masalah kalau client anda mempunyai antena wajanbolic atau antena grid, yang jadi masalah adalah kalau client anda adalah orang gaptek (gagap teknologi hehehe) atau client anda adalah orang yang kikir alias pelit tidak mau membeli peralatan untuk sisi client.

Artikel berikut akan membahas bagaimana cara membuat repeater untuk memperluas jangkauan signal sekaligus menguatkan signal agar daerah yang menjadi target bisa mendapatkan signal yang dibutuhkan. Seperti kita ketahui umumnya sebuah Access-Point memiliki range jangkauan yang terbatas, itu belum terpengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang menyebabkan signal semakin melemah. Dalam percobaan nyata hasilnya ternyata sebuah access point hanya bisa menjangkau kurang lebih 10-50 meter itu masih akan di kurangi berbagai halangan yang membuat signalnya semakin melemah (percobaan dengan wifi laptop tanpa perangkat tambahan, tentunya akan berbeda kalau menggunakan tp-link sebagai client atau repeater apalagi yang menggunakan antena external dengan gain yang bagus).

Baiklah karena semakin menyebalkan saja berikut ini adalah caranya mengkonfigurasi TP-LINK sebagai repeater. Yang perlu kita sediakan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. AP TP-LINK TL-WA510G atau TL-WA610G atau TL-WA5110G (selain ketiga perangkat di atas ini saya tidak tau, makanya saya hanya menulis yang saya tau).
2. Sumber Listrik/Energy dan tempat.
3. Sedikit konfigurasi.

Sebenarnya yang menjadi masalah utama ketika kita akan membuat sebuah repeater adalah tempat dan sumber listrik yang akan digunakan untuk menghidupkan perangkat. Ini menjadi masalah kalau tetangga kita kikir alias pelit, padahal sebenarnya daya yang di gunakan sebuah repeater berkisar diantara 5 watt! ini setara dengan lampu bohlam kecil yang menyala. Kalau di hitang-hitung pemakaian listrik 1 bulan dengan asumsi 1kwh = Rp 200 menjadi 5x24x30 = 3600w kalau di konversikan ke kwh menjadi 3600/1000= 3.6 kwh maka yang perlu kita bayarkan adalah 3.6×200 = Rp 720 perak! . Jadi ini bisa di akali dengan memanfaatkan client, kita bisa pasang di rumah client yang memang menyewa akses hotspot kita. Kalau klient kita agak gaptek bohongin saja bilang biar koneksi internet klient bisa lebih cepat hahahaha… :P

Malah nyasar ke yang lain, balik lagi ke topik utama inilah caranya mengkonfigurasi TP-LINK sebagai repeater.

1. Login.

2. Klik Network -> lan (contoh: Ip Address adalah nomor IP repeater, gateway adalah nomor IP Access Point keduanya harus berada dalam satu subnet mask range) dan seterusnya untuk repeater berikutnya bisa menggunakan IP repeater.

3. Klik Wireless -> Wireless Mode. Kalau AP anda support WDS function pilihlah repeater.

Kalau AP anda tidak support WDS function pilihlah universal repeater.

4. Klik Survey dan carilah SSID AP anda lalu klik connect maka otomatis MAC akan dimasukkan dalam konfigurasi, Untuk repeater berikutnya carilah SSID repeater anda lalu klik connect, dan seterusnya.

5. Optional, langkah ini diperlukan kalau anda menggunakan pengamanan wireles. Kalau tidak silahkan abaikan langkah ini.

Selesai, lintasberita

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Tips SEO – Kembangkan Diri Anda (dan juga Blog Anda)

Ketika kita menjadi seorang SEO Blogger, seringkali kita dihadapkan pada 2 pilihan, yaitu mementingkan kenyamanan pembaca atau teroptimasinya SEO di artikel-artikel blog kita. Terutama bagi yang masih belajar menerapkan SEO keyword dan SEO Marking di artikel blognya, tidak jarang ditemui artikel yang kita buat menjadi tidak sedap dipandang dan dibaca. Apa penyebabnya? Mari kita simak jawaban terakhir dari 5 Pertanyaan untuk Membangun SEO Blog Anda.
Sekalipun hal ini sudah sedikit disentuh dalam artikel Tulisan yang Bagus adalah Bagian dari Optimasi SEO, dalam tips SEO kali ini kita akan membahas lebih kepada sisi personal dari blogger itu sendiri. Katakanlah anda sudah blogging selama 3 bulan atau lebih, dan anda sudah memantapkan diri anda untuk mempraktekkan SEO di blog anda. Pertanyaannya, sudah berapa artikel yang anda buat? 5? 10? 15? Jawabannya mungkin bervariasi. Tapi cobalah kita bandingkan artikel blog yang pertama kita buat, dengan artikel blog yang terakhir kita buat. Adakah perbedaan diantara keduanya?
Yang harus anda perhatikan dari kedua artikel tersebut adalah, seberapa baik anda berinteraksi dengan (calon) pembaca blog anda. Semua orang saya kira, termasuk saya sendiri, sangatlah wajar bila merasa kurang nyaman ketika membuat artikel blog pertama kita. Analoginya kurang lebih sama seperti anda tinggal di lingkungan baru dan belum mengenal siapa tetangga anda, kita merasa tidak tahu cara berkomunikasi dengan mereka, takut salah, takut dibilang aneh, takut dibilang jelek dan sebagainya.
Satu-satunya pilihan anda untuk keluar dari masalah itu adalah berkembang. Kembangkan teknik komunikasi anda, perbanyak perbendaharaan kata, perdalam ide di artikel blog anda, koleksilah berbagai jenis cara menyapa seseorang, pelajari sedikit cara berseloroh, dan yang paling penting jadikan diri anda nyaman dengan tulisan anda. Poin yang terakhir sangatlah penting, baik bagi pembaca anda maupun SEO blog anda. Karena bila kita menulis artikel yang SEO optimized dan teknik penulisan kita buruk, maka pengunjung dari Search Engine hanya akan mencari apa yang mereka cari agar bisa segera meninggalkan halaman anda.
Hal ini akan berbeda bila ketika pengunjung dari Search Engine merasa anda jamu dengan tulisan yang membuat mereka nyaman, sehingga mereka merasa “Wah, ini informasi yang menarik”. Dan itulah, menurut saya (ingat, menurut saya lho, bukan menurut para ahli SEO), sebuah teknik SEO yang optimal untuk sebuah blog. Menerapkan teknik-teknik dan tips-tips SEO itu bukanlah sesuatu yang susah, akan tetapi berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dan membuatnya nyaman, itu memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang lebih tinggi.
“Tujuan SEO yang sebenarnya adalah menciptakan konversi”
Seorang pengagum Panda berkungfu tinggi pernah berkata, tujuan SEO yang sebenarnya adalah menciptakan konversi penjualan, dan saya membenarkannya karena itu adalah tujuan SEO yang sebenarnya, anda bisa mengetahui hal tersebut dari buku-buku SEO yang diterbitkan di luar negeri, bukan dalam negeri. Tapi jangan takut, sekalipun anda saat ini tidak memiliki sesuatu untuk dijual, teknik SEO masih bisa melayani anda untuk kepentingan yang lain. Untuk itu, dibahas di lain postingan yach :) lintasberita

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy Lemot

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy Lemot

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy Lemot – Blogwalking ke blog sahabat mendapat trik ampuh bagaimana mempercepat koneksi internet speedy dengan mudah. Tutorial mempercepat koneksi speedy ini prafangga dapat dari blog sahabat Berikut step by step cara mempercepat koneksi speedy dengan mensetting modem dan merubah DNS network

Tutorial Mempercepat Koneksi Internet Speedy
Setting Modem Speedy
  • Login ke Administator modem, defaultnya adalah (Ketikan pada browser)
  • Login default User:admin, Pass:admin (Tergantung modem yang anda pakai)
  • Klik Advanced Setup lalu terapkan setingan seperti gambar
Setting DNS :
  • Setelah lakukan cara pertama lalu masuk ke control panel lalu pilih Network Connections
  • Klik jaringan yang anda pakai (LAN/Wifi), disini saya menggunakan Wifi jadi pilih wireless network (Sesuaikan dengan koneksi network yang anda pakai)
  • (Lihar Gambar diatas) klik properties.
  • Lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini, klik internet protocol lalu klik properties
  • Akan tampak seperti gambar berikut
  • Pilih Use the following DNS server addresses dan isikan seperti gambar diatas.
  • Masukkan preferred DNS server:
  • Masukkan Alternate DNS server :
  • lalu klik ok
  • close semua, repair network anda.
DNS diatas memanfaatkan DNS Google. Selain meningkatkan koneksi speedy anda saat browsing cara ini terbukti ampuh untuk menangani ketidak suport'an beberapa server hosting dengan IP Speedy kita. Terkadang disaat browsing di blog luar dengan server US - Kanada. Speedy tidak compatible (Di beberapa server hosting tertentu) Namun dengan cara ini speedy dengan DNS google luamayan menanggulangi nya :) semoga bermanfaat dan rasakan kecepatan internet speedy sebelum dan sesudah. ;)



Sunday, November 21, 2010


BenQ Joybook S42-LE04, Bisa Pindah Modus Grafis

Kamis, 18 Desember 2008 | 10:10 WIB

Di era Centrino 2 ini, BenQ tetap mengandalkan teknologi Laminated Color Metal Coating untuk menghiasi sisi luar dari notebook terbarunya, Joybook S42. Sekadar mengingatkan, teknologi tersebut memungkinkan pola tertentu ditanamkan di bawah casing yang berbahan logam.
Alhasil dua tujuan tercapai: tangguh karena menggunakan bahan logam, namun tampil beda berkat pola yang ditanamkan. Pola tersebut mungkin tidak terlalu terlihat pada gambar di bawah, namun jika harus menceritakan, polanya berupa swirl atau lengkungan dahan dan daun bergaya Victoria.
Joybook S42 sendiri adalah notebook kelas 14,1” yang telah mengadopsi platform Centrino 2. Pada versi LE-04 ini, prosesor yang digunakan adalah seri terendah dari generasi Centrino 2, yaitu Intel P8400 (2,25GHz, FSB 1066MHz, dan L2 cache 3MB). Namun BenQ memasangkan prosesor ini dengan chip grafis kelas menengah dari nVidia, yaitu GeForce 9600M GT 256MB. Kombinasi ini pun menghasilkan hasil pengujian yang unik: biasa saja di aplikasi berbasis prosesor (encoding video/audio, render gambar), namun mencatat skor tertinggi di aplikasi gaming (3DMark 2006).
Keunikan lain dari notebook seharga US$ 1199 ini adalah bisa berpindah mode grafis. Seperti telah kami bahas di awal, salah satu fitur terbaru Centrino 2 adalah Switchable Graphic yang memungkinkan kita bisa berpindah mode grafis — antara kartu grafis mandiri dan onboard — sesuai kebutuhan.
Secara default, pengaturan mode itu dilakukan secara otomatis oleh notebook. Namun kita juga bisa melakukannya secara manual dengan menekan tombol FN+10. Hanya butuh kurang dari 10 detik untuk berpindah mode, yang ditandai dengan berkedipnya layar dan terpampangnya tulisan Save Power atau Increased Performance. Dan seperti telah kami tunjukkan di muka, perbedaan mode grafis akan menghasilkan perbedaan sampai 10x pada performa 3D, yang menunjukkan keefektifan teknologi Switchable Graphic ini.
Daya tarik Joybook S42 lainnya adalah Q-Trove yang merupakan fitur backup otomatis atas data di dalam notebook. Dengan menekan tombol Alt+F10 saat proses booting, kita bisa masuk menu backup dan restore tanpa harus masuk ke Windows Vista. Ini memungkinkan proses backup dan restore dilakukan meski sistem operasi rusak atau corrupt.
Secara fasilitas, Joybook S42 tampil komplit. Yang paling layak disebut adalah port HDMI di sisi kiri yang memungkinkan notebook ini dihubungkan dengan TV berbasis HDMI untuk hiburan kelas High Definition. Keyboard dan touchpad notebook berbobot 2,36 kg ini juga nyaman digunakan, namun kami juga mencatat ‘kebandelan’ BenQ yang menempatkan tombol FN di sisi paling kiri bawah dari keyboard. Pada mayoritas notebook, posisi ini biasanya ditempati tombol Ctrl (yang sering kami gunakan), sehingga ketika ditempati tombol FN, sungguh membuat kami rikuh.
Kombinasi ‘beda kelas’ antara prosesor dan kartu grafis membuat performa BenQ Joybook S42-LE04 juga unik: bagus di grafis, tapi biasa saja di aplikasi standar. Namun selain performa grafis, notebook ini memiliki daya tarik pada fitur backup data yang intuitif, pergantian mode grafis yang juga mudah, serta desain bergaya Victoria yang mewah. Harga Joybook S42 juga kompetitif (sekitar US$ 1249), meski dengan catatan belum disertai dengan sistem operasi.
Sumber: InfoKomputer
PLUS: Desain unik; dilengkapi HDMI; mudah berganti mode grafis; dilengkapi fitur backup; speaker bagus.
MINUS: Posisi tombol FN yang tidak standar; tanpa sistem operasi.

(maksimal 5)
Kinerja: 3,85
Fasilitas : 3,25
Penggunaan: 4,2
Harga: 3,8

Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 (2,25GHz, FSB, L2 cache.)
DDR2, 1GB, 667MHz
Intel Cantiga GM45/GM47
Kartu grafis
nVidia GF9600M GT 256MB
WDC 250GB, 5400rpm, IDE
Optical drive
8X DVD Super Multi
Wi-Fi (a/b/g/n), Bluetooth, card reader, 4 USB, FireWire, kamera 2MP, Express Card, HDMI
14,1” (1280 x 800 pixel)
Kartu suara
Realtek ALC262
Sistem operasi
Tidak ada
4800 mAh
33,9x25,2x(3,2 - 3,9) cm
2,36 kg
1 tahun suku cadang, 3 tahun service
Situs Web
Harga Kisaran*
US$ 1249
*Galva Technologies, (021) 345-6650

Sumber : Majalah Infokomputer lintasberita

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Help Merapi

Ingin Menyumbang Bantuan Merapi? Baca Ini Dulu 
Gagah Wijoseno - detikNews

Sleman - Rasa simpati tinggi yang didorong rasa kemanusiaan membuat banyak di antara kita menyumbang untuk pengungsi Gunung Merapi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Berbagai macam bantuan pun mengalir ke posko penyaluran bantuan atau langsung ke masyarakat.

Namun sebelum menyumbang ada baiknya kita mengetahui apa yang paling dibutuhkan pengungsi saat ini. Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, bentuk bantuan yang tidak tepat dapat mengurangi manfaat sumbangan yang diberikan.

Ada 10 jenis bantuan yang dibutuhkan untuk pengungsi saat ini. Dari data yang dirilis oleh Satlak PBP Kabupaten Sleman, bantuan yang penting meliputi sembako dan kebutuhan sehari-hari.

Berikut ini daftar 10 hal yang dibutuhkan oleh warga yang tersebar di 7 barak pengungsian, Selasa (2/10/2010):

1. Gula pasir
2. Teh
3. Kopi
4. Susu anak-anak
5. Susu dewasa
6. Minuman isotonik
7. Kasur/ matras
8. Tikar/ karpet
9. Peralatan mandi
10. Pendamping psikologis untuk anak-anak dan dewasa

Pemberian bantuan bisa langsung dilakukan ke petugas di posko utama Pakem. Jika tidak berupa barang, posko juga menerima uang tunai.

"Uang tunai juga bisa. Nanti kita belikan barang-barang yang dibutuhkan," ujar petugas jaga posko. lintasberita

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Merapi Mountain

Merapi Mountain


Merapi is one of the name of volcano in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This volcano still actives right now. Since 1548, Merapi mountain had been exploded for 68 times. It located near Yogyakarta city and many villages located at an altitude of 1700 meters. For people which live around there, Merapi brings an advantage. The people was able to sell sand material from volcano mountain output. For Local Government, Merapi Mountain is a tourists area which increasing city income. Now Merapi included an area of Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi. Merapi Mountain is one of most popular climbing object, because the charming of this volcano.

source from
Small explotion occured in every 2-3 years and bigger on 10-15 years a time. The big impact from Merapi eruption occured in 1006, 1786, 1822, 1872, and 1930.

In April and May 2006, this volcano was appearing sign of explotion, started with earthquakes and deformation. On June 1st, volcanic ash raining in Magelang.
In October 26th 2010, Merapi Mountain entered eruptive phase. BPPTKA reported that the explotion occured at 17.02 WIB. At least three times in the eruption occured. the eruption accompanied hot cloud out road to Kaliadem Kepuharjo and remove volcanic material as high as aproximately 1.5 kilometers.
~ by Afina Raditya on 27 October 2010.



Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to remove yahoo messenger virus

How to remove yahoo messenger virus 


This Yahoo messenger virus attack is one of the most powerful Trojan/virus.. If your computer is infected with this virus; It will sends the url to all of your friend list in yahoo messenger using your ID . So with in few hours many of your friends will get infected with it.
To solve this problem, Just go through the below steps carefully.
What are those links ?: or other (Do not open this url in your browser).
IPB Image
If you are infected with it what is going to happen ?
It sets your default IE page to, you can’t even change it back to other page. If you open IE from your comp some malicious code will automatically executed into your computer.
2: It will disables the Task manager / reg edit. So you can’t kill the Trojan process anymore.
Files that are gonaa installed by this virus are svhost.exe , svhost32.exe , internat.exe.
You can find these files in windows/ & temp/ directories.
4: It will sends the secured & protected information to attacker
How to remove this manually from your computer ?
1: Close the IE browser. Log out messenger / Remove Internet Cable.
2: To enable Regedit
Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste)
Code: REG add HKCUSoftwareMic*ftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
3: To enable task manager : (To kill the process we need to enable task manager)
Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste)
Code: REG add HKCUSoftwareMic*ftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
4: Now we need to change the default page of IE though regedit.
From the below locations in Regedit chage your default home page to or other
Code: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMic*ftInternet ExplorerMain
HKEY_USERSDefaultSoftwareMic*ftInternet ExplorerMain
Just replace the attacker site with or set it to blank page.
Now we need to kill the process from back end. For this, Press “Ctrl + Alt + Del”
Kill the process svhost32.exe . ( may be more than one process is running.. check properly)
Delete svhost32.exe , svhost.exe files from Windows/ & temp/ directories. Or just search for svhost in your comp.. delete those files.
7: Go to regedit search for svhost and delete all the results you get
Code: Start>Run>Regedit
8: Restart the computer. That’s it now your system is virus free



Friday, October 22, 2010

Setting up a Local Area Network

Setting up a Local Area Network

Using Red Hat Linux to connect two or more computers
Darrick Addison (, Senior Software Engineer/Consultant, ASC Technologies
Summary:  This article describes how to build a Local Area Network (LAN) consisting of two or more computers running the Red Hat Linux operating system. The article begins with the basics: an overview of the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet protocol) suite, and an explanation of assigning IP addresses in a LAN. Then the article covers the LAN hardware and configuration using a tool called LinuxConf in the Red Hat Linux operating system environment. Lastly, the article walks you through the critical steps of testing and troubleshooting your LAN.

Linux is increasingly popular in the computer networking/telecommunications industry. Acquiring the Linux operating system is a relatively simple and inexpensive task since virtually all of the source code can be downloaded from several different FTP or HTTP sites on the Internet. In addition, the most recent version of Red Hat Linux can be purchased from computer retail stores for between $25 and $50, depending on whether you purchase the standard or full version. The retail brand is indeed a worthwhile investment (vs. the free FTP or HTTP versions) since valuable technical support is included directly from the Red Hat Linux engineers for at least a year. This can be very helpful if, for instance, you can not resolve an installation/configuration problem after consulting the Red Hat Linux manuals.
This article describes how to put together a Local Area Network (LAN) consisting of two or more computers using the Red Hat Linux 6.2 operating system. A LAN is a communications network that interconnects a variety of devices and provides a means for exchanging information among those devices. The size and scope of a LAN is usually small, covering a single building or group of buildings. In a LAN, modems and phone lines are not required, and the computers should be close enough to run a network cable between them.
For each computer that will participate in the LAN, you'll need a network interface card (NIC) to which the network cable will be attached. You will also need to assign a unique hostname and IP address to each computer in the LAN (described later in this article), but this requires a basic understanding of TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
Introduction to TCP/IP
TCP/IP is the suite of protocols used by the Internet and most LANs throughout the world. In TCP/IP, every host (computer or other communications device) that is connected to the network has a unique IP address. An IP address is composed of four octets (numbers in the range of 0 to 255) separated by decimal points. The IP address is used to uniquely identify a host or computer on the LAN. For example, a computer with the hostname Morpheus could have an IP address of You should avoid giving two or more computers the same IP address by using the range of IP addresses that are reserved for private, local area networks; this range of IP addresses usually begins with the octets 192.168.
LAN network address The first three octets of an IP address should be the same for all computers in the LAN. For example, if a total of 128 hosts exist in a single LAN, the IP addresses could be assigned starting with 192.168.1.x, where x represents a number in the range of 1 to 128. You could create consecutive LANs within the same company in a similar manner consisting of up to another 128 computers. Of course, you are not limited to 128 computers, as there are other ranges of IP addresses that allow you to build even larger networks.
There are different classes of networks that determine the size and total possible unique IP addresses of any given LAN. For example, a class A LAN can have over 16 million unique IP addresses. A class B LAN can have over 65,000 unique IP addresses. The size of your LAN depends on which reserved address range you use and the subnet mask (explained later in the article) associated with that range (see Table 1.).

Table 1. Address ranges and LAN sizes
Address rangeSubnet maskProvidesAddresses per LAN - class A LAN16,777,216 - class B LANs65,536 - class C LANs256
Network and broadcast addresses
Another important aspect of building a LAN is that the addresses at the two extreme ends of the address range are reserved for use as the LAN's network address and broadcast address. The network address is used by an application to represent the overall network. The broadcast address is used by an application to send the same message to all other hosts in the network simultaneously.
For example, if you use addresses in the range of to, the first address ( is reserved as the network address, and the last address ( is reserved as the broadcast address. Therefore, you only assign individual computers on the LAN IP addresses in the range of to
Network address:
Individual hosts: to
Broadcast address:
Subnet masks
Each host in a LAN has a subnet mask. The subnet mask is an octet that uses the number 255 to represent the network address portion of the IP address and a zero to identify the host portion of the address. For example, the subnet mask is used by each host to determine which LAN or class it belongs to. The zero at the end of the subnet mask represents a unique host within that network.
Domain name
The domain name, or network name, is a unique name followed by a standard Internet suffixes such as .com, .org, .mil, .net, etc. You can pretty much name your LAN anything if it has a simple dial-up connection and your LAN is not a server providing some type of service to other hosts directly. In addition, our sample network is considered private since it uses IP addresses in the range of 192.168.1.x. Most importantly, the domain name of choice should not be accessible from the Internet if the above constraints are strictly enforced. Lastly, to obtain an "official" domain name you could register through InterNIC, Network Solutions or See the Resources section later in this article for the Web sites with detailed instructions for obtaining official domain names.
Another important step in setting up a LAN is assigning a unique hostname to each computer in the LAN. A hostname is simply a unique name that can be made up and is used to identify a unique computer in the LAN. Also, the name should not contain any blank spaces or punctuation. For example, the following are valid hostnames that could be assigned to each computer in a LAN consisting of 5 hosts: hostname 1 - Morpheus; hostname 2 - Trinity; hostname 3 - Tank; hostname 4 - Oracle; and hostname 5 - Dozer. Each of these hostnames conforms to the requirement that no blank spaces or punctuation marks are present. Use short hostnames to eliminate excessive typing, and choose a name that is easy to remember.
Table 2 summarizes what we have covered so far in this article. Every host in the LAN will have the same network address, broadcast address, subnet mask, and domain name because those addresses identify the network in its entirety. Each computer in the LAN will have a hostname and IP address that uniquely identifies that particular host. The network address is, and the broadcast address is Therefore, each host in the LAN must have an IP address between to 192.168.127.

Table 2. Sample IP addresses for a LAN with 127 or fewer interconnected computers
IP addressExampleSame/unique
Network address192.168.1.0Same for all hosts
Domain namewww.yourcompanyname.comSame for all hosts
Broadcast address192.168.1.128Same for all hosts
Subnet mask255.255.255.0Same for all hosts
HostnameAny valid nameUnique to each host
Host addresses192.168.1.xx must be unique to each host

Assigning IP addresses in a LAN
There are two ways to assign IP addresses in a LAN. You can manually assign a static IP address to each computer in the LAN, or you can use a special type of server that automatically assigns a dynamic IP address to each computer as it logs into the network.
Static IP addressing
Static IP addressing means manually assigning a unique IP address to each computer in the LAN. The first three octets must be the same for each host, and the last digit must be a unique number for each host. In addition, a unique hostname will need to be assigned to each computer. Each host in the LAN will have the same network address (, broadcast address (, subnet mask (, and domain name ( It's a good idea to start by visiting each computer in the LAN and jotting down the hostname and IP address for future reference.
Dynamic IP addressing
Dynamic IP addressing is accomplished via a server or host called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Program) that automatically assigns a unique IP address to each computer as it connects to the LAN. A similar service called BootP can also automatically assign unique IP addresses to each host in the network. The DHCP/ BootP service is a program or device that will act as a host with a unique IP address. An example of a DHCP device is a router that acts as an Ethernet hub (a communications device that allows multiple host to be connected via an Ethernet jack and a specific port) on one end and allows a connection to the Internet on the opposite end. Furthermore, the DHCP server will also assign the network and broadcast addresses. You will not be required to manually assign hostnames and domain names in a dynamic IP addressing scheme.

The LAN hardware
Assigning hostname and IP addresses will be useless if there is no hardware available to connect all the computers together. There are several different types of hardware schemes such as Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, Token Bus, etc. Since Ethernet is the most widely used hardware scheme, we will focus our attention on it. Ethernet is available from several different computer vendors, and it is relatively inexpensive. Ethernet is a 10-Mbps baseband LAN specification developed by Xerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment. In order to build an Ethernet hub you need the following: an Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) for each computer, an Ethernet compatible hub with at least the same number of ports as there will be computers in the LAN, and Ethernet cables (or 10BaseT cables) to connect each computer's NIC to the Ethernet hub.
Also make sure that the hardware of choice is compatible with the Red Hat Linux operating system. This hardware/software compatibility information is usually found in the Requirements section on the back of the box of each product. Alternatively, you could ask a computer sales person about hardware/software requirements. You can usually save money by purchasing LAN cards as a package vs. purchasing them individually.
When choosing an Ethernet hub ensure that it contains at least as many ports as there are computers that will participate in the LAN. It is always best to choose a hub with additional ports to allow for expansion.
If you plan to use all of the computers in the LAN to access the Internet via a local Internet Service Provider (ISP), the router/Ethernet combo is an ideal choice. The router/Ethernet unit is normally configured using any computer that is connected to the LAN. Assuming that all computers in the LAN will be running the Red Hat Linux operating system, a router will be required that can be configured using a Linux configuration program such as LinuxConf.
Finally, choose network cables to allow for expansion. Typically, most Ethernet networks use 10BaseT cables with RJ45 jacks at each end. It's always a good idea to purchase cables that are 1 or 2 times longer than the required length in case the structure (topology) of the LAN changes in the future.
Installing the hardware
Assuming that all LAN hardware is available, the next step is to install it. First turn off all the computers that will participate in the LAN. Next, open the case on each computer and install each NIC in the appropriate slot on the motherboard, being careful to follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Find a convenient but safe location for the Ethernet hub, preferably a centralized location in the same building or room along with the computers. Next, run the cable from the NIC in each computer to the Ethernet hub ensuring all cables are out of the way of users who will need physical access to each computer in the LAN. Moreover, make sure you follow all instructions provided with the LAN hardware before starting up any of the computers that will participate in the LAN.
If you are using a router to connect the LAN to the Internet or using a DHCP server, you will need to do some configuration as required by the user's manual. Lastly, assuming all computers are attached to the Ethernet hub via the NIC and a specific port on the hub, you can now begin the software configuration process using the Red Hat operating system.

Configuring the LAN
How you configure the computers on the LAN will depend on whether the Red Hat OS was installed before or after the LAN hardware. If you installed the LAN hardware before installing Red Hat you will be prompted for network configuration during the Red Hat installation process. However, if you installed the Red Hat OS after the LAN hardware, a program called "Kudzu" will detect the newly installed Ethernet card and initiate the configuration process automatically. Follow these steps when configuring each Ethernet card using the "Kudzu" program:
  1. During the bootup process look for a dialog box titled "Welcome to Kudzu." Press Enter to begin the configuration process.
  2. Next, you should see another dialog box that displays the brand name for the installed Ethernet card. Press Enter again to continue.
  3. After a brief delay you should see "Would You Like to Set up Networking".
  4. Select the NO option using the Tab key and then press Enter. I will describe setting up networking using a utility called LinuxConf later in this article.
At this point, the bootup process should continue normally and you will be required to log on to the computer as the root user. You should have been given the opportunity to create a root account during the initial installation of Red Hat.
Using LinuxConf to configure your Ethernet card
You can use an application program called LinuxConf to configure or reconfigure the NIC of each computer in the LAN. You can launch the LinuxConf utility by typing linuxconf at the command prompt of any terminal window in the KDE or GNOME desktop environment. Another way to start the LinuxConf utility is to click the Main menu button, select System, then LinuxConf. When the LinuxConf application is displayed, follow the steps below to configure the Ethernet card:
  1. From the LinuxConf tree structure, select Config, Networking, Client Tasks, Basic Host Information.
  2. Type the fully qualified hostname that you assigned to this computer on the Host name tab.
  3. Next, click the Adaptor 1 tab, which displays your Ethernet card settings.
  4. Verify that the Enabled button is selected to ensure that the Ethernet card will be accessible.
  5. Choose the Manual option if you will not be using a DHCP or BootP server on your LAN and continue to step 6. Otherwise, if you will be using a DHCP or BootP server, choose either DHCP or BootP accordingly and continue to step 12.
  6. Enter this computer's hostname followed by a period and the domain name of the LAN for the Primary name + domain option.
  7. Enter the computer's hostname in addition to any aliases separated by a blank space under the Aliases option.
  8. Enter the IP address assigned to this computer next to IP Address (such as
  9. Type in for the Netmask.
  10. For net device, type eth0, which represents the first Ethernet card located inside the computer.
  11. The driver or Kernel Module option for the Ethernet card should automatically be filled in upon exiting LinuxConf.
  12. Click the Accept button to activate all changes.
  13. Repeat steps 1-12 for each computer in the LAN, verifying that you've entered the correct hostname and the corresponding IP address.
Nameserver specification
Another important step in setting up LAN is to configure the Nameserver specification, which is used by Linux to look up IP addresses when only the computer's hostname is given. There are two methods that are used by Red Hat Linux to resolve hostnames into IP addresses. One method is via Domain Name Services (DNS), and the other is by means of a local file at /etc/hosts. Locate the hosts file by typing cd /etc to change to the /etc directory. The /etc directory is where most system configuration files are found for each computer. Next, follow the steps below to resolve hostnames into IP address using the /etc/hosts file:
  1. In the left column of LinuxConf, open the Nameserver specification (DNS) category.
  2. Left-click the DNS Usage option. (The button should be pushed in.)
  3. Enter localdomain next to the Search Domain 1 category.
  4. If you know the primary and secondary IP addresses for the nameserver, which should be available for this Ethernet card, enter those in the IP of nameserver 1 and IP of nameserver 2 categories. Otherwise, you can leave those categories blank.
  5. Left-click the Accept button to activate all changes.
Hostname search path
The hostname search path is used by Red Hat Linux to search for IP addresses assigned to hostnames. To configure the hostname search path so that the local host (/etc/hosts) file is used to resolve local hostnames, and the ISP domain services to resolve Internet domain services, follow these steps:
  1. In the left column of LinuxConf, open the Routing and Gateways category.
  2. Select the Host Name Search path option.
  3. In the right column of LinuxConf, select the Multiple IPs for One Host option.
  4. Select the hosts, dns option in the right portion of LinuxConf.
  5. Left-click the Accept button to activate all changes.
Setting up /etc/hosts
The Red Hat Linux OS needs some way to find IP addresses within the LAN based on the each computer's hostname. I described earlier in the article that the Domain Name Service (DNS) is one method of resolving hostnames into IP addresses. In a DNS configuration the hostnames and IP addresses should already be listed in a pre-existing nameserver. Consult your local ISP to obtain those IP addresses. On the other hand, if there is a centralized nameserver, as with small LANs, a host file will need to be configured on each computer that was assigned a hostname, IP address, and any aliases. This configuration process involves editing a text file located at /etc/host. You will need to go to one of the computers in the LAN and follow the below steps in order to create and configure the /etc/hosts file:
  1. In the left column of LinuxConf, open the Misc category.
  2. Open the Information about hosts category. You should see an entry for this computer that includes the IP address, hostname, and any aliases.
  3. Left-click the Add button once to add an entry for another host in the LAN.
  4. Type the Primary + Domain Name for another host in the LAN in the dialog box that appears (such as
  5. Type one or more aliases for this computer next to the Alias option (such as tank).
  6. Enter the IP address for the hostname that you've assigned for this computer next to IP number.
  7. Left-click the Accept button to activate all changes.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each computer in your LAN.
After you have done steps 1-7 for all computers, the /etc/hosts tab of LinuxConf should list one entry for every computer in your LAN, in addition to the local host's loopback interface. The local host name should appear as localhost. Finally, you can save all changes and exit the LinuxConf application by following the steps below:
  1. Left-click the Quit button in the /etc/host screen after all hostnames and IP addresses have been entered.
  2. To exit the LinuxConf application, left-click the Quit button at the bottom-left corner.
  3. Left-click the Activate the Changes button to activate all changes and exit LinuxConf.
Repeat for every host
Now that you have configured one computer in you LAN, you will need to go back and repeat all the above steps for each computer starting with the section "Configuring the LAN". If you would prefer a less time-consuming procedure of configuring each computer, you can modify the /etc/hosts file on each computer manually using a copy method.
You can copy the /etc/hosts file that you have just created to a floppy disk or CD-ROM (if you have a writeable CD-ROM drive) and copy that file to the /etc directory of each computer in your LAN. To copy the /etc/hosts file to a floppy disk, type the command cp /etc/hosts /mnt/floppy at the command prompt. Do this on the computer where you configured the initial /etc/hosts file using the LinuxConf utility.
Next, take the floppy to each computer in the LAN and type the command cp /mnt/floppy hosts /etc/host in a terminal window. This will copy the hosts file to the /etc directory on each host. If you are using a CD-ROM, replace the /mnt/floppy/ in the above commands with //mnt/cdrom/ to copy files to and from a writeable CD-ROM. The /etc/hosts file, as you probably noticed, is just a text file with a list of hostnames and IP addresses separated into three columns. Lastly, make sure that the local computer and its associated IP address are listed twice and all the other computers in the LAN are listed only once.

Testing the LAN
To test the completely configured LAN, make sure that the computers are able to communicate with each other after the bootup process. You can start by typing reboot at the command prompt at a command terminal on each computer. This allows you to monitor the testing information that scrolls down the screen as a standard procedure during the Linux boot process. Look for the following information:
Setting hostname:
Bringing up Interface lo:
Bringing up interface eth0
The Setting hostname field should display the hostname that you assigned for this computer. The lo and eth0 interfaces should display [OK] to indicate that both tests were successful.
To determine whether each computer can communicate with every other computer in the LAN, use the ping command. Open any terminal window on the current host and type the command ping or , where or is the IP address and/or the hostname that you assigned to this computer. Note that you must type either the IP address or the hostname in order for the ping command to work properly.
If you have configured the DNS nameserver specification properly, the ping command should resolve the hostname into a corresponding IP address. Otherwise, you will need to use the IP address that you should currently already have listed for all computers in the LAN. The ping command will send messages across the LAN to the designated IP address or computer. You should see several messages or packets (consisting of bytes of information) if the computers are "talking" or communicating with each other. These packets look similar to the following:
64 bytes from 192.168.1.x : icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.8ms
64 bytes from 192.168.1.x : icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.8ms
64 bytes from 192.168.1.x : icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.8ms

Note that the "192.168.1" represents the LAN that this particular host is a member of and the x indicates the specific host number that you are attempting to ping (e.g. such as Oracle) which jointly makes up the IP address. You can press the Ctrl+C to terminate the test and you should see the following basic information about the entire ping test:
--- ping statistics  ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.3/0.4/0.8 ms

Verify that the packet loss is 0%, which is an immediate indication that the test was successful. However, there is a problem if the ping command results in the following message:
From ( Destination Host Unreachable

This is an immediate indication that the two computers are not communicating at all. If the computers are not communicating, see the next section, "Troubleshooting the LAN". Otherwise, when you can successfully ping all other computers in the LAN from one designated computer, the overall basic communications functionality is indeed a success. At this point, you can consider this LAN to be a fully functional network that you can install and on which you can configure various network services as desired.

Troubleshooting the LAN
If you are unable to ping another computer in the LAN, here's how to get to the source of the problem. First of all, it's a good idea to shut down every computer in the LAN using the halt command. At the command prompt on each computer, type halt. The main reason for shutting down all computers is to monitor feedback from the boot process when each computer is started up again.
Check all cable connections between every computer, making sure that all RJ45 jacks are connected properly. After verifying that all the cables are secured properly, start each computer one at a time and look for the following response during the boot process:
Setting hostname: hostname.networkname  [OK]

You can turn on the interactive mode by typing I at the LILO boot prompt during the initial bootup process of Red Hat to get a closer view of the feedback. Ensure that the hostname and network name that was assigned to this computer is spelled correctly. If this is not the case, you will need to return to the Basic Host Information section of LinuxConf. In interactive mode you will be prompted to start several services. Respond to each question with Yes and pay close attention to results of various tests. If the Kudzu program detects an Ethernet card, then this an indication that the card was not properly configured the first time around. Proceed to let Kudzu configure the card. When you are prompted to configure the network, choose "Yes" and type the correct IP address and other related information for this particular computer.
Another important response to examine carefully is the following:
Bringing up interface eth0  [OK]

This line indicates whether the Ethernet card is working properly. If this test fails you should check all network settings using LinuxConf to ensure that the card was configured properly. If the network settings are correct, there is probably a defect in the Ethernet card itself. In order to verify this, consult the manufacturer of the Ethernet card or a computer technician to determine whether or not the card is defective. Repeat the preceding troubleshooting procedures on each new Ethernet card installed.

The process of setting up a LAN using Red Hat Linux is a relatively straightforward task -- even for users with little or no LAN background -- when the preceding steps are carefully understood and performed. Moreover, there are vast resources available on the Web that describe in more detail the topics covered in this article. A good start would be to feed keywords (like LANs, configuring LANs, Linux network configuration, and TCP/IP) into your favorite Web search engine. You will be amazed at the wealth of information that is available on configuring LANs, building networks, Red Hat Linux network installation/configuration, the TCP/IP protocol suite, and on and on. Good luck!

  • The InterNIC, Network Solutions site uses a search engine for checking official domain name availability on the Internet and registering that unique domain name solely for your business or personal Web site. It also gives you the ability to build your own Web site. They will even walk you through it and preview your design before you buy. Check out their listings of registered domain names "for sale". Network solutions will also provide you with id-Names used for worldwide registration and management of domain names. Register your name in over 50 countries online.
  • also uses a search engine for checking official domain name availability on the Internet. In addition, the site features a trademark search engine, business resources, corporate services, Web site hosting, e-mail services, and more. The Web site shows you the 6 steps involved in registering your official domain name.
  • Special Edition Using Red Hat Linux, by Alan Simpson with John Ray (Que, 2000), helps new users learn about Linux. It gives all computer users -- including those without UNIX system administration and network administration experience -- the skills and knowledge to use Linux to its fullest advantage whether in the home, small office, medium-sized business, or corporation.
  • Local & Metropolitan Area Networks, Fifth Edition, by William Stallings (Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1997), focuses the technology, architecture, performance, internetworking, and network management of LANs.
  • The Official Red Hat Linux Installation Guide (Red Hat Software Inc, 1999) is organized to guide users through the process of installing Red Hat Linux quickly and easily. It contains information on new functionality in Red Hat Linux 6.0, tasks you should perform prior to starting the Red Hat Linux installation, and detailed instructions for the Red Hat Linux installation process.
  • Visit Red Hat for information about the company, as well as documentation and online technical support for the latest-and-greatest Red Hat Linux OS, training resources, and information about products and services offered at Red Hat Software Inc.
About the author
Darrick Addison works as a Senior Software Engineer/Consultant for his company, ASC Technologies. He has been designing and developing custom software applications since 1993. He has worked on the design and development of software ranging from database applications, network applications (TCP/IP client/server), GUI applications, and embedded systems applications in various commercial and government environments. He currently holds a BS degree in Computer Science and is getting his Master's degree in Computer Science/Telecommunications at Johns Hopkins University. You can contact Darrick at He welcomes your comments and questions.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Web Analytics and SEO

Web Analytics and SEO


As an SEM Specialist, I must understand the different algorithms search engines use in their work. I also need to have an understanding of how my client's target audience searches these engines.

Analytical tools and their test results offer the most valuable information about visitors searching and browsing behavior. The resulting traffic changes and most frequent keyword phrases that appear in these web analytics reports are the Site Catalyst of any SEO campaign.

This helps one understand the information retrieval algorithms and heuristics process that takes place when search engines qualify a web page for a particular keyword phrase. That is why in order for a web page to be considered relevant, its content organization must accommodate a wide variety of direct and semi-direct search behavior, which is mostly disclosed by its own metrics, in a given time period.

Part of the important information web analysis provides is the amount of words and phrases people type into search queries to find a particular web page, and it is equally important to include this information in order to receive targeted search engine traffic. That is just one of the aspects in the existing relation between web analytics and SEO: understanding how visitors search and browse websites.

In a similar fashion, search engine generated traffic is reported by a web analytics tool, including the phrases entered into the search engine that were used to find a website. By separating the paid traffic generated by SEM from the total traffic that was referred by search engines, you can monitor the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Higher-end analytic tools break out organic search engines into a separate report 

Another area where this statistical data is used for SEO benefits is in copywriting. Understanding how to write for the target audience of a website is key. Finding the right terms to use semantically within the copy of a web page is one of the main components of all successful SEO efforts. A SEM should always consider what each web page communicates to site visitors and search engines. This content should not only help achieve top search engine rankings, but it should also encourage searchers to visit the website.

To improve positioning on search engine results pages, you need to be able to measure effectiveness. These tools make measuring your improvement on search engines easy, but it is really important to know is if the improvement affects traffic and sales. By monitoring and tracking this information frequently, a SEO can make recommendations, prove these recommendations work, and accurately report on the true effectiveness of these changes. Web analytic helps shorten the gap between what you think your visitors are searching for, and what they actually are.



Keyword Density and Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Density and Search Engine Optimization

If you looked into Denver search engine optimization (SEO) in the last couple of years, you probably got a bunch of information about keywords. You learned a lot of ways, some of them a bit tricky, for maximizing the keywords on your website so as to improve your ranking on the search engine results pages. Keywords have been around for a while now as little tools for making the content of your page look attractive to the software, called spiders or web crawlers, that major search engines use to find relevant sites to match user's search terms.

Ways to Use Keywords

There are several ways that sites use keywords to get a boost in the rankings, and not all of them are legitimate anymore. Here are the basics:

•Content - You cram as many keywords into your content on each page as possible. This usually meant up to fifteen or twenty keywords per page, and that is a lot of keywords. When a user read the page, they were inundated with words that matched what they were looking for. Unfortunately, the content itself was seldom as useful as it could be since it was more focused on keyword density than on helpful information.
•META tags and alt tags - These are the keyword placement opportunities found in the HTML code of each page on your site. The search engine spiders would crawl through this code and look for matching terms. So even if you didn't talk about a particular topic on one page, your META tags could claim you did and draw visitors. Alt tags are the same thing but for images

•Page titles and descriptions - If you could get the right combination of keywords in your page titles and the brief descriptions embedded in your source code, you could get the attention of search engine spiders. So Denver search engine optimization teams were suggesting some pretty keyword dense titles and descriptions that were not necessarily accurate or useful to the visitor.

Keyword Evolution

Today, these are still valid placements for keywords. You can use them in your content, place them in your page titles and descriptions, and embed them in your HTML code in the form of META tags and alt tags. The difference in the most recent search engine software changes and the spiders of old is the type of keyword use they are looking for. More is not always better today. In fact, a bunch of keywords crammed onto a page of useless content will not boost your ranking, rather it might lower it.

Instead, search engine spiders are looking for keywords that occur naturally in the text of a website. For search engine optimization, Denver businesses are going back to the natural way of presenting information on the web. Articles with useful information, META tags and alt tags that accurately describe what's on the page, and titles and descriptions that direct a user easily to the information they need. These are the SEO methods that work now with major search engines like Google.

So when you're thinking about SEO, natural is the keyword of the moment   lintasberita

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A guide to repairing your laptop or notebook's keyboard

Yes, it is possible to replace individual keys on your laptop's keyboard! Note that the same laptop model can have several different types of hinge mechanisms under the key. Some colors in the pictures may differ for your model. That is fine, what matters most is the shape of the hinge piece.

Step 1: Orient the hinge
The plastic hinge mechanism must be oriented as shown for it to fit onto the metal keyboard hooks.

Step 2: Hook the hinge onto the base
Hook the inner bottom edge of the hinge over the bottom metal hook on the base of the keyboard.

Step 3: Secure the hinge into place
Tuck the top of the hinge into place, one side at a time. In this example, the top right side is being secured first. The top right and left tabs of the plastic hinge should be hooked under the metal hook protruding from the base of the keyboard on each side. You can now check that the hinge works by flexing it up and down; it should pivot easily at it's axis.

Step 4: Place the rubber spring piece
If your keyboard is missing the rubber spring piece, place it in the center of the hinge. It will be held in place by the surrounding key and hinge.

Step 5: Press the key into place
Align the key on top of its place on the keyboard, and press down evenly. All four corners of the key should click into place.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Dari Internet, Baca Artikel Dibayar Dollar

Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Dari Internet, Baca Artikel Dibayar Dollar

Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Dari Internet – Banyak sekali program-program di internet yang memungkinkan kita mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet baik itu berbentuk rupiah ataupun dollar. Contoh program money online seperti Paid To Click, Paid To Review dan saat ini ada juga Paid To Read. Di program paid to read kita di suruh untuk membaca artikel setelah itu di bayar, di bayarnya pun dolar lagi :D

Serius lo! baca artikel doank di bayar dolar?

Serius! Program paid to read ini dibuat oleh Readbud dimana setiap member yang membaca artikel akan dibayar sebesar $0,01 – $0,1 per artikel. Besarnya komisi tersebut tergantung dari panjang atau pendek artikel yang di baca. Ada yang mengatakan program ini scam ada juga yang bilang tidak scam, terlepas dari semua itu program ini layak dicoba karena kerjaannya cukup mudah, tinggal baca artikel aja ko. Pekerjaan ini cocok buat anak-anak smp, sma, anak kuliahan/mahasiswa juga ibu rumah tangga, pengganguran, pejabat dll :D . Minimum payout dari program ini adalah $50.

Bagaimana cara mulai?

1. Langsung bukan situs readbud

2. Kemudian isi form data dengan nama, email, dsb

Form isian readbud

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Aktifasi email dari readbud

Bagaimana cara mulai mendapatkan dolar?

Untuk mulai mendapatkan dollar anda diharuskan membuka artikel dan memberikan rating pada artikel tersebut, panduan langkah mendapatkan dolar dari readbud seperti ini :

1. Login ke situs readbud menggunakan email dan password yang sudah anda daftarkan

login readbud

2. Kemudian anda akan di minta untuk memilih kategori topik artikel mana saja yang ingin anda baca. Maksimal anda dapat memilih 50 topik artikel.

pemilihan topik readbud

3. Kemudian klik menu Articles lalu klik Open Article

article readbud

4. Setelah itu akan terbuka jendela baru, lalu klik Rate This Article

rate this article readbud

5. Setelah klik Rate This Article, tutup jendela tersebut ulangi langkah no 3. Maksimal sehari anda hanya bisa membaca 20 artikel. 20 artikel yang anda bisa bisa mendapatkan sekitar $1 sehingga dalam waktu 50 hari anda sudah bisa mendapatkan pay out dari readbud :)

pendapatan readbud

Mudah bukan? ayo kita mulai mendapatkan dollar dari internet :) lintasberita

Friday, October 15, 2010


Installasi 2Dua Office Dalam Satu Komputer

Microsoft sebagai produsen microsoft office tidak merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan lebih dari satu office di dalam satu komputer, namun microsoft tidak melarang para pengguna office untuk mencobanya. Namun apabila ingin melakukan installasi office lebih dari satu dalam sebuah komputer bisa baca syarat yang disampaikan oleh microsoft sendiri bisa di baca di sini

Sebenarnya sebelum mencaritahu di internet bagaimana cara melakukan installasi 2 office dalam 1 komputer, saya sudah mencoba install 2 office dalam satu komputer namun yang terinstall pertama kali adalah office 2007 kemudian saya isntall juga office 2003, dan ini menyebabkan microsoft outlook tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya.

Setelah membaca syarat yang disampaikan microsoft baru saya coba melakukan installasi ulang dan yang pertama dilakukan adalah install office 2003 baru kemudian diikuti office 2007.

Berikut ini cara melakukan installasi dua office dalam satu komputer (office 2003 dan office 2007) :

Pertama-tama lakukan installasi microsoft office 2003 hingga selesai.

Setelah office 2003 barulah masukan cd office 2007 ke dalam cd-rom, tunggu hingga proses outo setup berjalan, atau bisa jalankan file setup dari drive cd-rom.

Masukan product key office 2007 saat diminta pada jendela Enter Your Product Key dan lanjutkan dengan klik Continue

Berikan tanda centang pada kotak kecil bertuliskan I Accept the terms of this agreement dan klik continue

Setelah itu ada dua pilihan yang muncul yaitu Upgrade dan Customize, jika memilih upgrade maka office 2003 akan diganti dengan office 2007. Oleh karena kita tidak membuang office 2003 dan menambah office 2007 maka pilih Customize.

Pada jendela Upgrade earlier versions pilih Keep all previous versions dengan cara klik pada lingkaran kecil di sebelah kiri tulisan tersebut dan klik Install Now.

Tunggu hingga proses installasi selesai.

Microsoft office 2003 dan microsoft office 2007 sudah siap digunakan dalam satu komputer. lintasberita

Bisnis Online

Mengenal Bisnis di Internet
by Romi Satria Wahono

internetbusiness.gifMas Romi, saya kok jadi bingung dengan banyaknya informasi tentang peluang bisnis di Internet, ada yang bentuknya MLM, arisan online, menjadi publisher iklan, broker penjualan barang, dsb. Yang mana sih yang bisa dipercaya? (Iman, Jakarta)

Bisnis di Internet mana sih yang benar alias tidak menipu? Ini inti pertanyaan mas Iman dan juga mungkin pertanyaan kita semua. Yang pasti MLM dan arisan online berbentuk piramida uang tidak bisa dipercaya. Kalaupun kita mendapatkan untung dari proses itu, ada puluhan, ratusan atau bahkan ribuan orang dibawah root kita yang kita rugikan. Bagaimana dengan bisnis Internet yang lain? Mari kita bahas.

Kita bisa simpulkan bahwa bisnis di Internet sebenarnya terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu bisnis menjual produk di Internet dan bisnis dengan menjadi publisher iklan di Internet. Keduanya secara lengkap saya kupas di penjelasan berikut ini.


Bisnis menjual produk seperti biasa, hanya memanfaatkan Internet untuk memajang produk, mengatur sistem pemesanan dan pembayaran secara online. Biasanya disebut dengan e-commerce. Contoh, Amazon.Com yang menjual buku, cd, software dan berbagai produk di Internet. Contoh di Indonesia adalah Bhinneka.Com, yang menyediakan produk komputer dan periferalnya yang memungkinkan transaksi lewat Internet. Bisnis ini juga bisa dilakukan oleh individual, misalnya seorang programmer yang menjual sendiri aplikasi, template, themes, module, maupun plugin yang dia kembangkan, melalui situs pribadinya. Biasanya sang penjual menggunakan sistem e-commerce seperti zencart dan oscommerce yang selain memiliki fitur katalog produk, juga memungkinkan pembayaran secara online dengan payment gateway seperti paypal,, dsb. Sekali lagi bahwa produk yang dijual ini bisa berupa, buku, majalah, ebook, software, dokumen, mebel, alat elektronik, komputer, handphone, dsb.


Ini adalah jenis bisnis di Internet yang sedang digandrungi banyak orang, dan juga mungkin saya didalamnya ;) . Modalnya relatif kecil, karena kita hanya perlu biaya untuk domain, hosting dan situs web. Bahkan bisa kita gunakan layanan web atau blog gratisan dulu untuk memulai bisnis kita dari kecil. Yang paling penting di bisnis ini adalah IDE dalam membangun situs web atau blog beserta kontennya. Situs web atau blog yang kita bangun harus unik, anti kerumunan (belum banyak dikerjakan orang lain), dan harus bisa menarik pengguna internet untuk mengunjunginya. Dengan kata lain, kita harus bisa membuat situs yang memilik traffic tinggi, karena disinilah kekuatan bisnis Internet jenis ini. Semakin tinggi traffic situs kita, semakin tinggi pendapatan yang kita terima karena semakin banyak pemasang iklan yang mau memasang iklan di tempat kita.

Di Amerika, ada Joel Comm, pengarang buku Adsense Secrets yang bisa mendapatkan rata-rata 500 USD perhari atau Ken Calhoun yang bisa mendapatkan 300.000 USD pertahun dengan situsnya DayTradingUniversity.Com. Perlu kita ingat bahwa situs-situs besar semacam Friendster.Com juga hidup dari bisnis menjadi publisher iklan ini. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Ada nama-nama besar seperti Cosa Aranda yang kabarnya memiliki penghasilan lebih dari 5000 USD perbulan dari bisnis menjadi publisher iklan di Internet.

Ok apa saja jenis bisnis publisher iklan di Internet ini?


Program dimana pemilik situs web atau blog akan mendapatkan komisi (atau hadiah) apabila terjadi transaksi antara perusahaan pemilik program dengan pembeli produk yang diiklankan oleh pemilik situs atau blog. Amazon.Com memiliki program afiliasi (affiliate program) yang cukup terkenal. Kita tinggal mendaftarkan diri dan memasang iklan produk Amazon.Com di situs web atau blog kita. Kita akan mendapatkan komisi (prosentase komisi tergantung produk) apabila ada orang membeli produk Amazon.Com tersebut melalui situs kita. Beberapa perusahaan lain yang menyediakan program afiliasi adalah:



Program dimana pemilik situs web atau blog akan mendapatkan uang dengan memasang iklan dari pemilik program. Besar uang yang diterima tergantung dari peraturan yang dibuat oleh pemilik program. Jenis program advertising ini bisa Cost per 1000 Impression (CPM) atau Pay Per Click (PPC). Jadi berbeda dengan program afiliasi, pada program advertising ini uang diterima tidak berdasarkan pada transaksi yang telah dilakukan, tapi berdasarkan impression alias banyaknya iklan ditayangkan (CPM) atau banyaknya klik terhadap iklan (PPC) yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung situs kita.

Contoh perusahaan yang memiliki program CPM adalah dan Sedangkan yang berbasis PPC adalah Google Adsense, yang saat ini menjadi program advertising favorit bagi pebisnis Internet di dunia. Perusahaan lain yang memiliki layanan program advertising diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:


Berkembang juga sistem Direct Advertising dimana kita sang pemilik situs web atau blog tidak menggunakan jasa perusahaan periklanan, tapi kita sendiri yang langsung hunting dan mengelola iklan., dan sistem layanan iklan banner di portal berita lain adalah salah satu contoh dari Direct Advertising. Direct Advertising juga mulai marak dilakukan secara individual oleh para blogger yang memiliki situs blog bertraffic tinggi. Saya sempat mencoba Direct Advertising untuk situs blog pribadi saya, meskipun akhirnya saya lepas lagi karena saya pikir kok tidak terlalu “elok” memasang iklan di situs blog pribadi. Nggak elok yang saya maksudkan di sini adalah, kurang bersih secara desain dan saya takut independensi blog terganggu dengan iklan produk yang berhubungan dengan opini yang saya tulis. Dengan berkembangnya waktu, mudah-mudahan suatu saat saya bisa menerima kenyataan itu :D Tapi saya tetap menerapkan Direct Advertising di situs lain yang saya bangun.

Perlu dicatat bahwa setiap perusahaan memiliki aturan dan mekanisme sendiri bagi pemasang dan publisher iklan. Kita harus mencermati berbagai aturan yang mereka tuangkan dalam bentuk Term of Service (ToS) sebelum kita mengikuti program suatu perusahaan.

Tertarik untuk ikutan bermain di bisnis Internet ini? Saya akan bahas secara mendetail berbagai bisnis Internet yang saya perkenalkan diatas pada artikel berikutnya. Paling tidak saya mulai dari program bisnis di internet yang sudah saya jalani dan berhasil mendapatkan income. Ikuti terus seri artikel ini.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

HOAX mobile banking klikBCA

Klikbca diteriaki Maling / HOAX KlikBCA       13 Oktober 2010
Maling teriak maling adalah pepatah yang populer yang artinya seorang maling yang meneriaki orang lain sebagai maling, biasanya hal ini dilakukan guna menyelamatkan dirinya supaya tidak dikira maling. Kalau yang satu ini berbeda, klikBCA diteriaki maling. Demikianlah HOAX yang sedang marak beredar di komunitas maya dan banyak sekali disebarkan oleh penerimanya baik di Facebook, mailingl ist, Twitter dan BBM sejak pertengahan Agustus 2010. Mungkin penyebar HOAX ini memiliki prinsip, daripada ada jadi korban mendingan gua sebarin ajah nih berita. Mumpung gratis ini BBM, Facebook dan Twitter .... kalau benar kan hitung-hitung amal dapat pahala, menyelamatkan banyak orang. Itu, kalau benar memang amal menyelamatkan banyak orang. Tetapi yang jadi masalah, kalau salah bagaimana ? Bukannya mendapatkan pahala, tetapi terbalik, anda menyebarkan pitnah :p.
Pesan ini marak beredar di BBM / Blackberry Messenger (lihat gambar 1)
Gambar 1, HOAX KlikBCA yang disebarkan melalui BBM
Posting di Facebook (lihat gambar 2)
Gambar 2, HOAX KlikBCA di Facebook
Twitter (lihat gambar 3)
Gambar 3, Tweet HOAX KlikBCA di Twitter
Pesan yang dikirimkan isinya kira-kira sebagai berikut :
yg punya Rek BCA: Penting bgt..
JIKA terima link sperti ini jgn tertipu:" Finally, mobile Klik BCA for BB users:".
Jgn coba masukin anda, ini website palsu. Sebarkan ke tmn2 anda jg ya. Krn sudah banyak yg tertipu. Td jg ada beritanya di TV one4:19 PM.
Dan seperti biasanya, kreativitas selalu muncul dimana membaca pesan HOAX tanpa perlu mengecek saja sebenarnya sudah dapat memperkirakan berita tersebut HOAX :
1.       Ada kalimat "Sebarkan ke tmn2 anda jg ya". Ciri khas HOAX yang meminta penerima menyebarkan ke sebanyak mungkin penerima.
2.       "Sudah banyak yang tertipu". Kalimat ini bertujuan untuk meyakinkan penerimanya untuk segera mengirimkan HOAX tersebut. Padahal kalau penerima HOAX mengirimkan berita tersebut .... justru yang tertipu adalah pengirim HOAX ini :p.
3.       "Tadi jg ada beritanya di TV one4:19 PM". Kalimat ini meminjam nama tenar TN One dan meyakinkan supaya korbannya makin percaya.
Dari sudut pandang lain, penulis mencoba mencari sebab mengapa HOAX ini berhasil bertahan sampai hari ini (BCA mengeluarkan Press Release mobile Banking 30 Juli 2010). Melihat pesan yang dikirimkan, salah satu kemungkinan HOAX ini beredar karena ketidaktahuan masyarakat awam. Dulu pernah ada kasus plesetan domain klikbca yang diplesetkan menjadi atau yang disalahgunakan sebagai situs phishing untuk mencuri password pengguna klikbca sehingga pengguna internet banking menjadi paranoid. Penambahan http menjadi https yang sebenarnya meningkatkan keamanan transaksi "s" = secure sehingga memungkinkan enkripsi dalam pengiriman data transaksi malah diartikan sebagai jenis typo yang lain, apalagi ditambahkan dengan tambahan "m" pada domain klikbca, tambah ngeri saja :p. Sudah ditambahkan huruf "s" pada http, lalu ditambahkan lagi huruf "m" pada awal alamat klikbca, tentunya ini tambah meyakinkan kalau situs ini adalah situs "jadi-jadian" :p. Wong dulu "cuma" tertukar posisi huruf "i" dan "l" ( tanpa penambahan huruf "s" di http dan huruf "m" di depan alamat situs saja sudah jadi situs jahat, kalau ini kan penambahannya dobel. Harusnya ini jahat kuadrat ..... mungkin begitu kira-kira pemikiran yang mendasari orang untuk percaya pada HOAX ini.
Bagi anda yang menerima HOAX ini, sebelum mengirimkan HOAX (walaupun tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya karena anda sudah berlangganan paket internet unlimited) ada baiknya anda melakukan cross check terlebih dahulu. Menurut pengecekan Vaksincom BCA sudah mengeluarkan Press Release mengenai akses klikBCA melalui smartphone ini di :
dan informasi ini dapat ditemui pada running banner di situs pada saat tulisan ini dibuat. Atau kalau mau afdol, telepon ke customer service bank yang bersangkutan.
Aa Tan
PT. Vaksincom
Jl. Tanah Abang III / 19E
Jakarta 10160
Ph : 021 3456850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              021 3456850      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fx : 021 3456851