Saturday, December 28, 2013

555 Timer Oscillator

555 Timer Oscillator

A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) using the timer 555 is shown in figure.

The circuit is sometimes called a voltage-to-frequency converter because the output frequency can be changed by changing the input voltage.
As discussed in previous blog posts, pin 5 terminal is voltage control terminal and its function is  to control the threshold and trigger levels. Normally, the control voltage is ++2/3VCC because of the internal voltage divider. However, an external voltage can be applied to this terminal directly or through a pot, as illustrated in figure, and by adjusting the pot, control voltage can be varied. Voltage across the timing capacitor is depicted in figure, which varies between +Vcontrol and ½ Vcontrol. If control voltage is increased, the capacitor takes a longer to charge and discharge; the frequency, therefore, decreases. Thus the fre­quency can be changed by changing the control volt­age. Incidentally, the control voltage may be made available through a pot, or it may be output of a transistor circuit, op-amp, or some other device.

Thank you



12v Regulator Schematic (15A)

12v Regulator Schematic (15A)

 Well I dont know much about electronics so I asked a friend of mine to make me a 12v regulator. Please do not ask me about it since I have no idea about those kind of things. However, I wasn't able to find a decent schematic of a 12v regulator so here it is. The Voltage on the car must be over 12.8 to supply a regulated 12V but the nice thing is that it is 15A and with a fuse can be lowered to 5A. He said that the components are cheap and not hard to find. He uses a so called "zener" which I havent got any idea what it is!

I am interested in your comments since you know more about this stuff. I know this isnt the BEST regulator available but it is a simple solution that I wanted to find and never did. Hope that it will be usefull to you all.


 Thank you




Thursday, August 1, 2013


Lampu LED ORCA Lampu LED Bertenaga Tinggi yang Hemat Energi...
Lampu LED ORCA, dengan cara pasang yang mudah, merupakan produk lampu generasi baru. Lampu ini cocok digunakan untuk penerangan dirumah - rumah, perkantoran, hotel, rumah sakit, dan berbagai tempat umum lainnya.
Lampu ini merupakan lampu yang paling ramah lingkungan, bebas merkuri, hemat energi, memiliki tingkat panas yang rendah dan lebih tahan lama.
Lampu ini juga memiliki tingkat e siensi hingga 90%, sedangkan lampu pijar menghabiskan energi hingga 98% untuk menghasilkan cahaya yang menimbulkan panas.
Selain lebih ramah lingkungan dan e sien, lampu ini memiliki biaya energi 10x lebih ekonomis jika dibandingkan dengan lampu pijar.
Tersedia dalam dua pilihan tipe lampu, LED Bulb dan LED Tube

Mengapa LED ?

1. Hemat biaya mencapai 50%

2. Ramah lingkungan, karena tidak    mengandung mercury

3. Ikut menyelamatkan dunia dari Global Warming

4. Memiliki tingkat panas yang rendah

5. Tahan lama karena usia pemakaian sampai dengan 30.000-50.000 jam

Mengapa ORCA ?

1. Bergaransi 2 tahun (1 to 1 replacement)

2. Mudah pemasangannya

3. Memiliki kualitas material yang bagus: fiber yg anti pecah,

   holder dari aluminium

4.Tingkat keakuratan watt mendekati dengan yang sebenarnya

5.Tidak flicker

6.Kualitas warna lampu ORCA yang bagus


* Dirancang sebagai pengganti lampu pijar   dan lampu

konvensional lainnya, dengan Lumen cahaya yang

tinggi, efisien, awet dan ramah lingkungan.

* Tersedia dalam 2 pilihan cahaya : Cool White dan Warm

White, dengan 4 variasi daya listrik : 5W, 7W, 9W & 12W

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan detail
Silahkan hubungi  :

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